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Prostalad tincture fl. 100 ml

Prostalad tincture fl. 100 ml
Prostalad tincture fl. 100 ml
Prostalad tincture fl. 100 ml
Prostalad tincture fl. 100 ml
Prostalad tincture fl. 100 ml
Prostalad tincture fl. 100 ml
Prostalad tincture fl. 100 ml
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  • Model: 177167

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Prostalad – medicine for treatment of a benign hyperplasia of a prostate (DGPZ). To apply to prevention and as a part of complex treatment of a benign hyperplasia of a prostate (DGPZ) in an initial stage of a disease (at urination difficulty) and infections of urinary tract.


  • active ingredient: 1 bottle (bank) contains herbs tinctures [a St. John's wort of a grass (Hyperici herba), a grass of a goldenrod of Canadian (Solidaginis canadensis herba), a grass of a shepherd's bag (Bursae pastoris herba), a grass of a burdock ordinary (soared medicinal) (Agrimoniae herba), arnicas of flowers (Arnicae flos), calendulas of flowers (Calendulae flos), a valerian of roots (Valerianae radix), a purple cone-flower of purple roots (Echinaceae purpureae radix)] (1: 4.4) – 100 ml;
  • other components: no, except extractant.


Hypersensitivity to medicine components (including to plants of family of a thistle family); alcoholism in the anamnesis, the use of the medicines containing alcohol and actually alcohol; peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum; cirrhosis; reception of neuroleptics and tranquilizers; arterial hypertension, the increased blood clotting, a thrombembolia (in the anamnesis); diabetes; tuberculosis; disease of a leukocytic system of blood (leukosis, Agranulocytosis); rheumatism; diseases of connective tissue (collagenose); oncological diseases; multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases, system lupus erythematosus, immunosuppression or immunodeficiency of a different etiology and other chronic viral diseases, HIV infection, AIDS; depression and other violations which are followed by oppression of the central nervous system.

Route of administration

to take the Drug to adult men inside on 1 teaspoon 2 times a day, previously having parted in 50 ml of water. Duration of a course of treatment – up to 3 months.


Feature of application


during medicament treatment needs regular control of function of an urinogenital system.

to apply

In a peptic ulcer and gastritis with hyperoxemia together with antacids and spasmolysants.

Medicine contains ethanol.

Use during pregnancy or feeding by a breast Drug is intended to


for application only for men.


not to appoint

to children.

Ability to influence speed of response at control of motor transport or other mechanisms

it is not revealed



in case of overdose the following symptoms arise.

from the central nervous system: drowsiness, depression, insomnia, sleep disorders, hyperexcitability of nervous system, headaches, dizziness, general weakness, decrease in auditory acuity and sight, heartbeat, hyperphrenia.

from digestive system: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, constipations, abdominal pain; feeling of bitterness in a mouth, unpleasant feelings in a liver.

from the system of blood formation: increase in activity of a system of fibrillation.

Above-stated symptoms pass

independently after medicament withdrawal within a day.

At overdose should stop use of medicine. Symptomatic therapy.

Side reactions

In some cases at hypersensitivity to components of medicine are possible

allergic reactions, including skin rash, an itch, hyperaemia, a cutaneous dropsy, a Quincke's disease, a small tortoiseshell, Stephens's syndrome – Johnson, an acute anaphylaxis. At prolonged use – decrease in the ABP, hypercoagulation; breath difficulty, a bronchospasm with obstruction, bronchial asthma, dizziness; arterial hypotension; nausea; vomiting; dryness in a mouth; abdominal pain; lock or diarrhea. There were separate messages about possible communication with autoimmune diseases (disseminate encephalomyelitis, a nodular erythema, immunothrombocytopenia, Evans's syndrome, Shegren's syndrome – Larsena with violation of tubular function of kidneys). At prolonged use (more than 8 weeks) there can be a leukopenia; oppression of emotional reactions, drowsiness, decrease in working capacity; dizziness, headaches; polyuria; perspiration, fever; a photosensitization (at treatment it is necessary to avoid UV-radiation).

Interaction with other medicines and other types of interactions

Medicine should not be applied in combination with the neuroleptics, tranquilizers, hypnotic medicaments and medicines containing alcohol.

Prostalad is not recommended to apply along with medicines with gepatoksichesky action, such as Amiodaronum, a methotrexate, ketokonazol, steroid medicines. Tincture is capable to exponentiate action cordial, sedative, analgetic and antispasmodics. Application is not recommended to the patients accepting anticoagulants, antibiotics, streptocides, contraceptive, hypotensive blockers of calcium channels, female sex hormones, gipokholesterinemichesky means (statins), cardiac glycosides. As a result of immunopromoting effect the purple cone-flower can reduce efficiency of the medicines having immunodepressive effect.

Storage conditions

to Store

in original packing at a temperature not over 25 ºС.


Active ingredients Arnicas flowers, a rhizome Valerian with roots, the St. John's wort a grass, Calendulas flowers, the Shepherd's bag a grass, the Grass of a goldenrod Canadian, the Grass a repeshka ordinary, Ekhinatsei purple roots
Applicant Ukrainian pharmaceutical company
Code of automatic telephone exchange G04CX the Other drugs used in a benign prostatauxe
Interaction with food It doesn't matter
Light sensitivity Not sensitive
Market status Traditional
Origin Vegetable
Prescription status Without prescription
Primary packing bottle
Quantity in packing 100 ml
Release form tincture
Route of administration Oral
Sign Domestic
Storage temperature from 5 °C to 25 °C
Trade name Prostalad