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I will sell Beethoven/Mozart/Tchaikovsky/Roman Korsakov/Sarasate's CD of "Simfonija Duscha". Big symphonic

I will sell Beethoven/Mozart/Tchaikovsky/Roman Korsakov/Sarasate's CD of
I will sell Beethoven/Mozart/Tchaikovsky/Roman Korsakov/Sarasate's CD of
I will sell Beethoven/Mozart/Tchaikovsky/Roman Korsakov/Sarasate's CD of
I will sell Beethoven/Mozart/Tchaikovsky/Roman Korsakov/Sarasate's CD of
I will sell Beethoven/Mozart/Tchaikovsky/Roman Korsakov/Sarasate's CD of
I will sell Beethoven/Mozart/Tchaikovsky/Roman Korsakov/Sarasate's CD of
I will sell Beethoven/Mozart/Tchaikovsky/Roman Korsakov/Sarasate's CD of "Simfonija Duscha". Big symphonic
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Beethoven/Mozart/Tchaikovsky/Roman Korsakov/Sarasates CD "Simfoniya of Soul". Bolshoy symphonic orchestra of Gosteleradio – <> Lyudv іґ van Beethoven (Ludwig van Beethoven, having arisen 16 grudnya 1770 to fate, m Bonn — spochiv 26 bereznya 1827 to fate, m V_den) — the vidatny n_metsky composer і p_an_st, ostann_y a predstavnik "v_densko ї klasichno ї to school", a klyuchova of a f_gur klasichno ї muzik at per_od m_zh classicism і romanticism, one _z nayb_lsh vikonuvany kompozitor_v at sv_t_. Pisav at vs_kh _snuyuchy in the yogi hour genres – the opera, a muzika to dramatic spektakl_v, choruses і, _nstrumentaln_ create.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the poyena _mya Joannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, having arisen 27 s_chnya 1756 to fate — spochiv 5 grudnya to 1791 fate) — the vidatny avstr_ysky composer і muzikant-v_rtuoz. Odin _z naypopulyarn_shy klasichny kompozitor_v. Mozart mav is more phenomenal muzichny hearing, pamyat і to a neperevershen zdatn_st to _mprov_zats і ї. Richly z yoga tvor_v viznan_ masterpieces simfon_chno ї, kontsertno ї, chamber ї, operno ї that horovo ї muzik. Tvorchy dorobok become ponad 600 tvor_v: 41 simfon_yu, ponad 19 operas, to a velik k_lk_st _nstrumentalny kontsert_v (a zokrema of 27 fortep_anny), 13 string kvartet_v, 35 sonatas for a violin, Rekv і є m that richly _nshy _nstrumentalny that horovy Petrov _ll_ch Chaykovsky (Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, having arisen 25 kv_tnya (7 travnya) 1840 to fate, Vyatska gubern_ya, Ros_yska _mper_ya — spochiv 25 zhovtnya (the 6th leaf fall) 1893 to fate, St. Petersburg, Ros_yska _mper_ya) — the vidatny ros_ysky composer, dirigent і the teacher. The author of 10 operas, 3 balet_v, 6 simfon_y, it is big ї k_lkost_ romans_v that _nstrumentalny Mikola Andr_yovich Rimsky-Korsakov (Nikolay Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov; having arisen 6 (18) bereznya 1844 to fate, m Tikhv_n, Novgorodska gubern_ya — spochiv 8 (21) chervnya 1908 to fate, a ma¾tok Lyubensk, to a pobliz of Luga, nin_ Len_ngradska area) — the vidatny ros_ysky composer, the teacher, dirigent, gromadsky d_yach, the muzichny critic, the member of "The Five", the author of 15 operas, 3 simfon_y, simfon_chny pictures, chamber і nstrumentalno ї muzik. Pablo de Sarasates
(Pablo de Sarasate, the poyena _mya — Pablo Martín Melitón de Sarasate y Navascués, having arisen 10 bereznya 1844 to fate, m Pamplona — spochiv 20 veresnya 1908 to fate, m B_arr_ts) — vidatny _spansky Skripal і the composer. At 8 rok_v having given a pershy publ_chny concert in A Coruña. In 1859 rots_ zak_nchiv to Parizk konservator_yu, vchivsya at Jean Delfen Aliar.
Nezabar Sarasate a zavoyova є populyarn_st a yak Skripal, zyavlyayutsya yoga persh_ skripkov_ create, sered yaky fantaz_ya on a darkness z to the opera "Carmen". On an ear bereznya 1903 to Pablo Sarasates fate vistupav on v_dkritt_ Lv_vsko ї f_larmon і ї, a pershy season 1902 – 1903 fates. Sarasate – a celestial kamerny muzikant і it is frequent grav at sklad_ string kvartet_v. Sarasate is an author 54 tvor_v, napisany vinyatkovo for a violin. Sered them nayv_dom_sh_ "Tsigansk_ of a nasp_va", Andaluzka serenade, _ntrodukts_ya y tarantella. Richly tvor_v doteper z usp_khy vikonuyutsya prov_dny sv_tovy skripalyam.
1. Beethoven / "Egmont". Overture 9:02
2. Beethoven / Concerto No. 1 for a piano with orchestra. Largo of 8:10
3. Mozart / Concert No. 10 of Dl of 2 Pianos With Orkestr. Allegro 10:19
4. Tchaikovsky / "Romeo and Juliette". Uvertyura of 18:48
5. Rimsky-Korsakov / "Highway and x e r e z and d and". Young prince and young princess of 10:20
6. Sarasate / the Gipsy tunes for a violin with orchestra 8:23
Total: 65:12
Orkestri: Bolshoy Symphonic Orkestr of Gosteleradio (1 - 5), Orkestr of the Moscow Philharmonic hall (6) / Dirigenti: Konstantin Ivanov (1, 2, 4), Gennady Cherkasov (3, 5), Boris Khaykin (6) / Fortep_ano: Dmitry Bashkirov (2), Sandro DAnufrio (3) / Violin: Andrey Korsakov (6)
Ukladach і: Boheme Music, Stereo & Video. Coordinator: Alexander Folin
(p) 1998 Boheme Music Co.
CD vipushcheno in m Moscow, Ros_ya in 1999 rots_. CD camp good.
Extends only as the annex to the Stereo & Video No. 3/99
magazine of Ts_n of 160 UAH + peresilannya.Mozhlivys
obm_n on v_n_lov_ plat_vka.