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- Model: MX24097
- Weight: 0.24kg
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Reviews Over AVZ Antiseptic Stimulator Dorogova ASD 2f
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ASD 2f (Antiseptics Dorogovs Stimulator) Asd the second Structure fraction and form of release of ASD 2F: Medicine ASD 2f is a product of dry distillation of raw materials of animal origin. On appearance medicine represents liquid from yellow till dark red color with a specific smell, well mixing up with water. Release ASD 2f in the form of the sterile solution packaged on 100 ml in the glass bottles closed by rubber traffic jams and rolled by aluminum caps. Pharmacological action: ASD 2f at oral application has the making active effect on central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system, stimulates motor activity of digestive tract, secretion of digestive glands, increases activity of digestive and fabric enzymes, improves penetration of ions of Na + and K+ through cellular membranes, contributes to normalization of processes of digestion, digestion of nutrients and increase in natural resistance of an organism of an animal. At external application, medicine stimulates activity of a reticuloendothelial system, normalizes to traffic and accelerates regeneration of the damaged fabrics, possesses the expressed antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action. Pokazaniya: ASD 2f appoint a farm animal (including a bird) and to dogs, with the medical and preventive purpose at diseases of digestive tract, respiratory organs, an urinogenital system, defeats of integuments, metabolic disorders, for stimulation of activity central and the autonomic nervous system, increase in natural resistance at the animals weakened and had infectious and invasive diseases and also for stimulation of growth and development of pigs, chickens and increase in a yaytsenoskost of hens. Doza and method of application: Inside ASD 2f appoint an animal with drinking water before feeding or in mix with compound feed in morning feeding. Outwardly medicine is applied in the form of 2 – 20% of the solutions prepared on sterile physiological solution or boiled water. At preparation of medical solution of the required concentration, the ASD 2f initial sterile solution is taken for 100%. Medical solution is prepared in aseptic conditions. At dyspepsia, gastroenterokolita, a gastroenteritis and also the dystrophic states caused by disorders of digestion and metabolic disorders, medicine is appointed inside once a day, in the single doses specified in the table. Treatment is carried out by courses on 5 days with an interval of 2 - 3 days to recovery of an animal. At a timpaniye of cattle medicine ASD 2f is vypaivat to an animal or entered into a hem via the gastric probe one-two times a day in the single dose specified in the provided table. In the course of treatment appoint the warm enemas, massage of a hem and other procedures provided at the specified pathology. At an intestines meteorizm at horses medicine is vypaivat an animal or entered via the gastric probe once in the doses specified in the table. In the course of treatment appoint the warm enemas, massage of a stomach and other procedures provided at the specified pathology. If necessary treatment is repeated. At catarrhal pneumonia of pigs along with etiotropic treatment medicine is appointed with drinking water in 30 – 40 minutes prior to feeding or in morning feeding with compound feed in the doses specified in the table once a day. Treatment is carried out by courses on 5 days with an interval of 2 - 3 days to recovery. at vaginita and detention of an afterbirth at cows (after its removal) apply 3 – 5% the medicine solution which is warmed up up to 40 °C to which wash out a vagina within 4 – 5 days once a day, spending 1.5 - 2 l of solution for each processing. The neck of the uterus is open for Esli, 200 – 300 ml of solution enter into a uterus. At sharp and chronic endometritises, a miometrita and a piometra at cows if the neck of the uterus is open, enter 15% into a cavity of a uterus the medicine solution which is warmed up up to 40 °C in number of 200 – 300 ml and at once delete it. Dlya of these purposes use a catheter with the return current of liquid. Processing is carried out to recovery once a day. Along with etiotropic treatment at a trikhomopoza to cows enter asd into a vagina 20% medicine solution by means of the syringe Zhane with a rubber tube and the special catheter having a large number of openings on a final part. Treatment is carried out within 5 – 7 days once a day, spending 200 – 300 ml of solution of medicine for each procedure. At treatment of the bulls sick with a sharp form of a trichomoniasis, along with etiotropic treatment the preputsialny bag is washed by 2 – 3% with solution of drug which is injected by means of the catheter connected by a rubber tube to Esmarkhs mug in number of 0.5 - 1 l. After that the external opening of a preputsialny bag is clamped for 3 – 5 minutes a hand and make light massage. Treatment is carried out within 5 – 7 days once a day. For stimulation central and the autonomic nervous system, increase in resistance at the animals who had infectious and invasive diseases, accelerations of processes of healing of integuments, at necrobacillosis, eczemas, dermatitis, trophic ulcers apply medicine with drinking water or in mix with a forage in the doses specified in the table once a day. Treatments spend by courses 5 days with an interval of 3 days to recovery. Dlya stimulations of growth and development of calfs, pigs and chickens, medicine apply in the way of group feeding at the rate of 0.1 ml ASD-2f on 1 kg of body weight every other day within 1 – 2 months. The infected inertly healing wounds wash 15 – 20% with solution of medicine and after that apply the bandage moistened with this solution. Treatment is carried out to clarification of a wound from pus once a day. In the presence of fistulas, the opened cavities of abscesses, phlegmons, enter the gauze drainage moistened with solution of medicine into their cavity and from above apply a sterile bandage. The drainage is changed daily before formation of a granulyatsionny shaft. When washing horses and presence of abscesses in submaxillary space and on other parts of a body after a preliminary toilet, a cavity of abscesses wash 15 – 20% with solution asd or enter into them the tampons impregnated with medicine solution, before clarification of a wound from pus and emergence of granulation once a day. Side effects: Are observed by Ne. Protivopokazaniya: Are established to Ne. Special instructions: Milk of milch animals and egg of a bird after use of medicine ASD 2f is used without restrictions. In case of the forced slaughter of animals, meat is used without restrictions. date editing description: 31.10.2020